Activity Calendar

As our club is small, we tend to partner with other clubs for larger events.  However, we typically hold monthly breakfast or luncheon meetings and workshops.  Items in RED below, are sponsored by our club; those in BLUE are co-sponsored by our club.  Listings shown in PURPLE, are those with recent cancellations and/or date changes.  Other activities shown below, are those that would be of interest to car collector hobbyists in the DC/MD/VA/DE/PA/WV areas.  You can also check these sites and resources:;;; ; ;; ;;; ;;;; 

Last UPDATED 12/12/24 (and interestingly mathematical date):

 Contact each sponsor before you go in case there are changes! 

 Our club's monthly club luncheon meetings have merged with our workshops, unless otherwise stated.


4/18: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle and contact Cheryl Bianco if you want to go to a Ladies Luncheon!

4/27: DOCM & POC Spring Fling Car Show & Luncheon. 9am -3pm, Casa Mia’s Restaurant, 17417 York Road, Parkton, MD.  Contact Cheryl Bianco.

5/16: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Be sure to contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle and contact Cheryl Bianco if you want to go to a Ladies Luncheon!  We'll also look at doing some Saturday Workshops during the Summer months. 

6/13: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Pls contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle. No Ladies Luncheon this time :-(

7/12-14: Chrysler Nationals Carlisle Events, Carlisle Fairgrounds, PA.  Let's get a few DeSotos out there! $fee.

7/20: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle

7/24-28: National DeSoto Club 38th Annual Convention in New Orleans, Louisiana. Hotel is located in Harvey, LA. Register using form sent to you by the NDC or online: $fee

8/17: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle.

DATE CHANGE!!!  from 9/7 to SUNDAY 9/8: DOCM MEMBER PICNIC, Bethesda MD. The Club will be providing the hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, condiments, water, soda and dessert. See flyer DOCM members were sent.  A decision was made to move this to Sunday due to original forecast of rain. At the Gallagher's Home in Bethesda, MD. 

9/14: 6th Annual Thurmont Community Ambulance Car Show, 13716 Strafford Dr, Thurmont, MD $15 registration includes 1 meal. 240.674.1235 8AM-2PM. 

9/19: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle

10/10-13: Ocean City Endless Summer Cruisin', OC, MD. 10/10 only: Special Concert "Sun Records The Concert" at the Performing Arts Center. 

10/12: Hennie's Car Show and Charity Food Drive, The Jacobs home 5922 Old Buncombe Rd, Greenville, SC. 10-2. RSVP Yvonne (864)360.1640. DOCM is invited! 

10/17: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle

10/19: Rockville Antique & Classic Car Show, 11AM-3PM, Rockville Civic Center Park,603 Edmondson Drive, Rockville, MD.

11/9: DOCM Workshop, Meeting, and Ladies Luncheon at Murray's Garage. Millersville, MD. 9:30AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle and Cheryl Bianco if you plan on the outing.  RSVP by 11/8. NOTE: THIS IS A DATE and TIME CHANGE.

12/5: DOCM Workshop at Murray's Garage. 10AM. Contact Mike Bianco if you plan on working on a vehicle

12/8: Sunday 11AM (eat at noon) – Plymouth Owners Club Mid Atlantic Annual Buffet Lunch and Auction INVITES THE DOCM to Friendly Farm, 17434 Foreston Road, Upperco, Maryland. Bring an item for the auction. Coordinators: Jerry & Debbie Seitz, telephone 410-489-7230.

12/13: DOCM HOLIDAY LUNCHEON & FOOD DRIVE, Kings Contrivance Restaurant, Columbia, MD.  Details were sent to members via email and newsletter.

12/31: Last day to drive your DeSoto in 2024.


1/2: Last day to order Carlisle Events tickets at 20% off. 

1/17-19/2025: Auto Mania, Allentown PA Fairgrounds, by Carlisle Events.

2/8: Winter Beater Cruise; Blizzard date 2/15.  Markets of Shrewsbury, 11AM-3PM.  Dash Plaques,  3 trophies for ugliest cars, bring your show car weather permitting 717-843-3161

 NOTE: Some of the flyers attached below, and information above, are for club historical reference and are left here so that others can see the type of activities we do and participate.  Sometimes the Webmaster just leaves stuff 'cuz he's too lazy to clean up the website.  IF you are an activity chairman of a car club in the DelMarVaPaDC area and want your listing here, please send it to our club at  Thanks for viewing,

The WebMaster.


2021 Orphan Flyer 3-31-21.pdf