DeSoto Club 

of Maryland (MD)



The DeSoto Owners Club of Maryland, Inc. ("DOCM") is a non-profit, social "car club" organization (IRS Non Profit 501(c)(7) Social Club) founded in 1976, and is a chapter of the National DeSoto Club. The club has an award-winning, bi-monthly publication, "DeSoto Diary" for our members.  There are monthly club breakfasts, luncheon meetings and various sponsored/co-sponsored car shows and other events (such as routine vehicle workshops) in the MD, DC, VA, PA, and DE areas.  You do not have to own a DeSoto to be a member!  We welcome all who appreciate the marque, even those who choose to modify their DeSotos.  Our members are diverse and spread out beyond the Maryland region, including Florida, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina.  Most of our members are MOPAR centric since DeSoto was a Chrysler product, but they often have other vehicle interests including orphan vehicles: AMC, Studebaker, Packard, Plymouth, Edsel, Hudson, Oldsmobile, and Pontiac. 

Our DeSoto Club marks 49 YEARS of DeSoto adventures in 2025! We were formed before a national club was developed. Many Thanks to Club Founder Mr. J Francis Werneth, along with his wife Margaret, for having the wherewithal and foresight 15 years after the last DeSoto rolled off the assembly line to create a club just for DeSoto that has stood the test of time. Sad to say, our beloved founder passed away on January 7, 2022 at age 87.  You can read more here about the many accomplishments of his life and how he supported the car collector hobby in many ways:


Our Club's Mission

The DeSoto Owners Club of Maryland (DOCM), Inc. is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of the DeSoto Automobile by the Chrysler Corporation, model years from 1929 to 1961.  

NDC NATIONAL CONVENTIONS: The 2016 National DeSoto Club (NDC) Convention was held in Maryland.  Learn more about our 2016 National DeSoto Club's National Convention on the 2016 National DeSoto Convention tab!  DID YOU MISS OUR CARAVAN driving out to the 2017 NDC Convention in San Diego, CA via the Mother Road, Route 66; or the 2018 CARAVAN TO BRANSON, MO? We also had members drive out to Hutchinson, Kansas in 2019.  The national convention for 2020 was rescheduled to Brookfield, Wisconsin, 7/28/2021 and we visited The Henry Ford in Dearborn, MI with our caravan.  For 2022, our chapter once again sponsored the NDC convention in Altoona, PA.  The 2023 NDC National Convention was in Chatham, Ontario, Canada (eh!), July 26, 2023. In 2024, the national convention was in The Big Easy-New Orleans, LA. 

In 2025, the NDC National Convention is in AKRON, OHIO! June 25-29, 2025~Hosted by Craig & Chris Lane and the Buckeye Chapter of the NDC. or  visit 

 As you can see, we do road trips to conventions; Let us know of your interests at


Club-sponsored/Co-Sponsored EVENTS (This page was last updated on 3/5/25): All workshops, meetings and luncheons are subject to health guidelines for mask wearing and social distancing as prescribed at the time & location of the event!


3/13:  DOCM WORKSHOP @ MURRAY’S GARAGE. 9:30am - ?, Coleus Drive, Millersville, MD.  Our first 2025 Club Meeting, a Ladies Luncheon @ Libations Bistro, 8541 Veterans Hwy, Millersville, MD.  Contact Mike Bianco if you have a car project & Cheryl Bianco if you plan to attend the Luncheon.  (Lunch RSVP by March 10th for seating headcount).  Mike: 410.456.0660   |  Cheryl: 410.456.9514

4/19: DOCM WORKSHOP @ MURRAY’S GARAGE. 10am— ?,  Coleus Drive, Millersville, MD  |  Workshop & Ladies Luncheon (tbd). Contact Mike Bianco if you have a car project & Cheryl Bianco if you plan to attend the Luncheon. Mike: 410.456.0660  |  Cheryl: 410.456.9514

4/26: DOCM 8th ANNUAL SPRING FLING Car Show & Luncheon, co-sponsor The Mid-Atlantic Plymouth Club. 9am-3pm. A flyer with all the details along with the registration form is forthcoming in March.



See the calendar tab (pull down menu under "More") for other events and details.

NOTE:  Some of the above items may be retained for historical reference so you can see what the club does each year.  Also, we migrated from "" to this NEW DOMAIN name and site format. You can contact us at .  Thank you, The Webmaster.

Our club is Not affiliated with the Fiat-Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Corporation, The Chrysler Corporation, Stellantis N.V.  (or any subsequent mergers), or The State of Maryland.